Redfern believes Danni Wyatt and Georgia Elwiss have long England careers ahead of them

Former England and Staffordshire all rounder Sue Redfern believes Danni Wyatt and Georgia Elwiss have long international careers ahead of them.

Wyatt and Elwiss were named in the England squad back in November for the upcoming tour of New Zealand which commences in February.

Redfern who played six Test matches and 15 ODIs between 1995 and 1999 says the 20 year olds both still have a lot of developing to do but have a promising career still come.

She said: “Both are young, and injury dependant, have long careers in cricket. They shouldn’t be resting on their current performances, they should be looking to enhance and develop their own performance.

“Both are great profiles and role models and we should be using this as a way to promote to the game to inspire the next generation of cricketers.”

Redfern played with both Wyatt and Elwiss at Staffordshire and Meir Heath cricket club and she could see the potential talent in them both.

She continued: “You could tell they had talent but young talent. It was important they nurtured that talent and progressed and didn’t just stay good players.

“Interestingly both developed at different ages, showing that each player has to be treated differently.

“Showing potential and progressing to the next stage has many caveats and challenges, both players still need to develop not just on the pitch but off the pitch and their behaviours.

“At the moment they are the best in England, but to play for England in the future they have to be the best players in the world.”

Both players will be looking to make their mark on the team and cement their places in the squad ahead of a busy 15 months, which starts in Sri Lanka with the Twenty20 world cup in 2012.

Published at under bright careers for Staffordshire girls. Just scroll down to the Women’s and girls section and you will find it.